A Path to Automating Utopia
Wealth and the End of Money
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If you think that Capitalism is either Sacred or Eternal or that is the best we can do, then read this book to have your thoughts corrected. If you think that Communism or Socialism are the only logical alternatives to Capitalism, then read this book to have your thoughts adjusted. If you think that the problems of poverty, injustice and ecological degradation are too large for us to solve, then read this book to have your thoughts enlarged. If you think that our current world is unsustainable and serious efforts must be undertaken to put us on a better path where poverty is made obsolete and Nature is revered and protected, then read this book to have your thoughts affirmed. In this book you will find a realistic, achievable plan to eliminate poverty, clean up the world and create a sustainable, peaceful paradise on Earth, as it was meant to be, without much more effort than a couple manned missions to Mars and the Moon.

But more than a plan, this is a tale of the evolutionary inevitability of how us humans are already, and will continue to extend and enhance our abilities far beyond what we know to be possible today. It is also a simultaneous unveiling of naked truth regarding the contrived, imaginary and delusional nature of money. This fact is counterbalanced with the proposition that no amount of money could secure the overabundance of wealth that the Cosmos has provided us for free with the Sun and the Planets and Asteroids and the rich Resources thereof, what I call Cosmic Resources. Indeed, not even a single atom can be assigned a finite monetary value. Once these two main facts are properly understood (i.e. money has no value and we are all intrinsically materially wealthy), our only logical choice becomes to use our extended selves to utilize these Resources, via automation and AI to eliminate poverty, unnecessary suffering, environmental degradation and to redefine what it means to be wealthy.

This idea changes everything. The greatest challenge will be to transition from the legacy of money, ownership and dominance to post-monetary, stewardship and coexistence, as well as overcome the societal and environmental pressures—and to do so in a non-violent and rational way that assures the most well-to-do that not only will they not lose any of their wealth, but that it will be increased for them along with everybody else and they will be free of the burdens of guilt or shame that often follows in a world of haves and have-nots. Even the most wealthy among us can not imagine the true potential of the world they have been blindly riding through space upon. What’s even better, humanity will then be free to reconnect with superior forms of mental and spiritual wealth and that material wealth is merely a baseline of existence available to all living beings.

Finally, this is also a cautionary work for it is crucially important to understand both the nature of and the consequences of our failures to act on these inescapable facts and to actively steer technology, and ourselves, in the right direction—in the service of all of the inhabitants of Earth.

This book will clearly demonstrate:

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